In my Covidian year

Years of work from the figure—of developing aggressive but sensitive line work and mark-making—led to a return to academia to further explore the workings of the body. I pursued the medical school prerequisites of organic chemistry, physiology, microbiology, and anatomy, including dissections of cadavers.

Those studies have filtered through to my work and thinking.

Recent paintings are explorations into the way life assembles itself from small working parts, and evolves and organizes into ever greater levels of complexity. Some of these images began as figure studies and others are built from a base-layer of photographic imagery from advertising. These images are subsumed in a maelstrom of organic improvisation, in a growth of joints, limbs, tubules, viscera, teeth, animal and plant parts, and microscopic life.

Conté and acrylic on panel
Diptych, each 12″ x 48″

In my Covidian year


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